Women Day
Women Day

8 Remarkable Women of the Sustainability Community: Women’s Day Special

Women’s Day is approaching. And well, this article is not a pity on how we need to uplift the status of women. Rather the blog aims to acknowledge and spread the word about Women who are doing something incredible out there- for the greater good of the Entire Planet! Not just for the corporate houses and the four-walled kitchens

Firstly, why do we celebrate Women’s Day on 8th March?

The history of this special day dates back to labor movements in North America and Europe during the early 20th century. March 8 holds significance as it is linked to the women’s movements during the Russian Revolution in 1917. In 1908, women workers in the needle trades bravely took to the streets of New York City to advocate against child labor, sweatshop conditions, and fight for women’s right to vote. 

This inspiring event paved the way for the annual celebration of International Women’s Day starting from 1910. It’s a day dedicated to honoring and acknowledging the achievements and contributions of women worldwide.

But, what is the real meaning of Women’s Day in the present day for us?

As the paragraph just above this section says that this day is “dedicated to honoring and acknowledging the achievements and contributions of women”, we thought why not to start from our home itself?

In a country as diverse and dynamic as India, we look forward to a group of incredible women who are leading the way towards a more sustainable future. These 8 influential women leaders are not just talking the talk, but they are walking the walk, making real change happen.

  • Dia Mirza
  • Bhumi Pednekar
  • Alia Bhatt
  • Sunita Narain
  • Vandana Shiva
  • Saalumarada Thimmakka
  • Disha Ravi
  • Nayana Premananth

From grassroots activists to policymakers, these women are the driving force behind the sustainability movement in India. Their dedication and passion for a cleaner, healthier planet is not only commendable, but it is also a powerful source of motivation for others to join their cause. These eco warriors and climate activists are setting an example for us all to follow, showing us that real change is possible. Through their tireless work and genuine commitment, they are paving the way for a brighter future for generations to come.

Let us celebrate and support these remarkable women who are making a difference and leaving a lasting impact on our world.

Bollywood Celebrities Advocating for Sustainability:

1.Dia Mirza: An elegant actor supporting a Real Cause

Dia Mirza is truly a shining example of a celebrity using their platform for good. Her passion for environmental conservation is not just a passing fad – it is a deep-rooted commitment that has been evident throughout her career. 

From her early days with Sanctuary Asia to her more recent role as the UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador, Dia has consistently raised awareness about the importance of preserving our planet. 

What sets Dia apart is her personal connection to the cause. Her mother’s illness served as a wake-up call for her, propelling her to take action against India’s air pollution crisis. This personal motivation, combined with her heartfelt dedication, has made her a powerful advocate for change. It’s not just about talking the talk for Dia – she also walks the walk. By supporting eco-friendly brands like Beco, Lotus Organics, Greendigo,etc;  and practicing sustainability in her own life, she leads by example. 

Her work with initiatives like the Wildlife Trust of India’s “Club Nature” program further demonstrates her commitment to protecting wildlife and natural habitats. As the UN Goodwill Ambassador for India, Dia has taken her advocacy to a global stage, inspiring audiences around the world to join the fight for a healthier planet. 

Her efforts have not gone unnoticed, and she continues to be a ray of hope for those who strive for a greener future.

2. Bhumi Pednekar: Walking Cinematically & Sustainably

You must have heard of the amazing Bhumi Pednekar? Not only is she a talented actress, but she is also a fierce advocate for environmental conservation in India. 

For the past decade, she is raising awareness about climate change and sustainable practices. In 2019, Pednekar launched the “Climate Warrior” campaign to educate people about environmental issues and inspire action. 

She is the first National Advocate for Sustainable Development Goals by the UNDP in 2023, championing climate action and responsible consumption. 

Pednekar uses her social media platforms to share information and encourage followers to get involved in environmental causes.

Bhumi’s dedication to sustainability is evident in the film roles she chooses, addressing important social and environmental issues. She is a role model for young individuals looking to make a difference in creating a more sustainable future.

3. Alia Bhatt: A real Sustainability Sweetheart!

Alia Bhatt, a Bollywood star, is not just a celebrity – she is a true warrior for our planet as well. Her viral statement on Repeating outfits stirred quite a conversation. Her passion for environmental causes is truly inspiring. From her powerful social media posts advocating for climate change and animal welfare to her active involvement in campaigns like “Save the Rhino” and “Clean Up India,” Alia is always at the forefront of the fight for our Earth. 

But that’s not all, Alia launched her sustainable clothing line, “Co-Exist.” It uses eco-friendly materials like organic cotton and recycled polyester. Her production company, Eternal Sunshine Productions, focuses on shedding light on environmental issues through film. In 2023, she became a proud advocate for the All Living Things Environmental Film Festival, as well.

Alia practices what she preaches, using reusable bags and supporting eco-friendly products in her daily life. Her environmental activism has gained tremendous momentum. She uses her platform to inspire others to join her in building a greener, cleaner world. 

Environmental Leaders Driving Policy and Advocacy:

4. Sunita Narain: Backing Sustainability from back then!

Sunita Narain is a highly respected Indian environmentalist, author, and activist. She has been a prominent figure in the environmental movement for over four decades. She is an advocate for sustainable development and environmental protection, particularly in India. 

During this period, she has focused on various significant endeavors: Advocate for Climate Justice: 

Narain has consistently highlighted the disproportionate impact of climate change on developing nations like India, advocating for equitable solutions that address the historical responsibility of developed nations and prioritize the needs of the most vulnerable. 

She actively engages in international climate change negotiations, advocating for policies that promote sustainable development and prioritize future generations’ well-being. 

She believes in decentralized solutions tailored to specific local contexts to tackle climate change. Moreover, she also promotes community-led initiatives for water management, renewable energy adoption, and sustainable agricultural practices.

Sunita serves on prestigious global commissions focusing on environmental issues, such as the WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission on children and the environment. This positions her to influence global policy discussions and contribute her expertise to shaping solutions for a sustainable future.

Her commitment to environmental protection over the past decade has been crucial in raising awareness, influencing policy change, and inspiring action towards a more sustainable future.

5. Vandana Shiva: 5 decades of Sustainability

Vandana Shiva, an inspiring Indian scholar, activist, and eco-feminist, has dedicated over five decades to the environmental movement. 

Her passion lies in promoting seed sovereignty and organic farming. She also stands up against globalization and free trade agreements, and advocating for environmental justice. Shiva’s powerful message encourages farmers to reclaim control over their seeds, embrace sustainable practices, and resist corporate influence in agriculture. She believes in the power of local food production and fair trade policies. By shining a light on the connection between environmental degradation and social injustice, Shiva advocates for the rights of marginalized communities, especially women and indigenous populations. 

Through her Navdanya Movement and international advocacy, she works tirelessly to raise awareness and inspire action to protect our planet. Despite facing criticism for her views on GMOs, Shiva remains unwavering in her commitment to environmental justice, seed sovereignty, and sustainable agriculture. Her tireless efforts have earned her international recognition, including prestigious awards like the Right Livelihood Award. 

6. Saalumarada Thimmakka

Saalumarada Thimmakka, a remarkable environmentalist from Karnataka, India, is renowned for her extraordinary dedication to tree conservation and afforestation. Born in 1910 in Hulikal village, Thimmakka’s story is one of resilience and passion for nature. Despite facing challenges and lacking formal education, she and her husband, Chikkaiah, embarked on a mission to plant and nurture trees.

Their love for the environment led them to plant and care for over 400 banyan trees along a four-kilometer stretch between Hulikal and Kudur. Thimmakka’s awe-inspiring dedication earned her the title “Saalumarada,” which translates to “row of trees” in Kannada. Her selfless efforts and determination have not only transformed the landscape but have also inspired generations to protect and cherish the environment.

Even today, at over a century old, Saalumarada Thimmakka continues to be a beacon of environmental conservation, showcasing the immense impact one individual can have on the world around them.

Youth Climate Activists and Social Media Influencers

6. Disha Ravi:A Fearless Fighter

The Rising Star in Climate Activism Meet Disha Ravi, a young but powerful force in the world of environmental activism. Inspired by Greta Thunberg, she co-founded Fridays for Future India in 2019, leading youth-led climate strikes and campaigns. 

Through her social media presence, Disha raises awareness about climate change and mobilizes young people to demand action from governments and corporations. 

Facing challenges head-on, Disha was wrongly accused in the controversial Toolkit Case related to the farmers’ protests in India. Despite the ordeal, she was acquitted in 2023, drawing international support and attention to the plight of environmental defenders like her. 

Undeterred, Disha continues her fight for a sustainable future, collaborating with FFF India and empowering young people to make a difference. 

7.Nayana Premananth:The Millennial Sustainability Hero!

Nayana Premnanath, amillennial architect-turned-environmental advocate, has gained recognition for her efforts in promoting a low-waste, vegan, and sustainable lifestyle.

Inspired by her own journey towards a low-waste lifestyle, Nayana educates and empowers individuals to adopt sustainable habits through platforms like YouTube and Instagram. She has built a supportive online community to engage and motivate those seeking to make sustainable changes. 

Nayana has turned her vision into action through her organization, The Green Circle, which focuses on upcycling textile waste into unique accessories and home decor. She also advocates for policy change and systemic solutions while participating in educational programs to raise awareness about environmental issues. 

Nayana’s efforts have been recognized beyond online platforms, with features in various publications and media outlets. Her journey inspires young individuals to make a positive impact on the environment, proving that small actions can contribute to a larger sustainability movement. Nayana Premnanath’s environmental journey is ongoing, and as she continues to promote sustainable living and advocate for change, her impact is expected to grow in 

Nayana Premananth is a dedicated force in the sphere of sustainability and environmental awareness. 

Through her impactful social media initiatives, she raises awareness about climate change, biodiversity conservation, and the importance of eco-conscious behaviors, inspiring positive change among her audience.

There are many more eco-warriors in our sustainable community and we at Grewind, will continue to bring them forward and spread the word! So sign up for our blogs so that you don’t miss out on anything!


Why do people celebrate Women’s Day on 8th March?

The origin of International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8th remains somewhat unclear. However, it has strong connections to the women’s rights movements and equality struggles of the early 20th century. Here’s a breakdown of the key details:

Early Movements and Protests:

1908: Women garment workers protested in New York City on March 8, 1908. They demanded better working conditions and fair wages, marking an early event linked to International Women’s Day (IWDFor further insights on this topic, you may refer to the provided sources:

1910 Conference: In 1910, at an international socialist women’s conference in Copenhagen, a proposal for an annual celebration of a special “Women’s Day” was made, but the specific date had not been decided yet.

1911 Celebrations: The first IWD celebrations took place in 1911 in several European countries, including Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland following the proposal made at the 1910 conference.

Evolving Significance:

  • Focus on Suffrage and Worker’s Rights: Early celebrations of IWD focused on women’s suffrage (the right to vote) and worker’s rights. Women around the world used this day to raise their voices and demand equal rights and opportunities.
  • Shifting Focus and Growing Recognition: Over time, the focus of IWD has broadened to encompass a wider range of issues related to women’s rights and equality, including social, political, economic, and cultural issues.
  • Official UN Recognition: The United Nations officially recognized International Women’s Day in 1975 during International Women’s Year. Since then, the UN has observed IWD annually, choosing a theme each year to highlight specific issues and call for action.

When was the first women’s day celebrated?

The initial commemoration of what we now recognize as International Women’s Day (IWD) is believed to have occurred on March 19, 1911.